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       Long Island Personal InjurY

Personal Injury | Slip and Fall | Injuries on the Job

Slip and Fall Accidents


The Law Offices of Cory H. Morris takes pride in personal representation and we are prepared to litigate your case in its entirety. We can assist you in recovering damages you may be entitled to such as: lost wages, property damage, and medical billsThe insurance company will try to limit your financial recovery which is why you need an experienced New York personal injury lawyer that does not shy away from litigation. 


Car Accidents  


If you were injured in an accident that was the fault of another party, the Law Offices of Cory H. Morris can help. The Law Offices of Cory H. Morris can manage the legal issues and allow you to handle your personal affairs. We handle car accidents and personal injury resulting from the negligence of drivers. Whether they are texting, falling asleep, or simply not paying attention, the Law Offices of Cory H. Morris can help you work towards a resolution.


We offer a free intake/consultation for car accident/injury matters.


You may be the victim of such negligent driver(s) - call The Law Offices of Cory H. Morris should you be the victim of such an occurrence: 631-450-2515.


Seeking medical attention is a top priority when under these circumstances. Let us advocate on your behalf so we can obtain compensation and your family does not suffer if you are unable to work. Remember, when you are in an auto accident/traffic related accident the first thing you should do is contact the police. Failure to contact the proper authorities and file the reports needed can make it very difficult for an attorney to help you in your case and may result in your insurance company or the other person's auto insurance company denying any claims of injury.


Also, in some circumstances, it is against the law to fail to report an

accident which could result in criminal charges against you. 


Top 10 Factors In New York City Traffic Accidents


  • Driver inattention or distraction

  • Failure to yield the right of way

  • Following too closely

  • Unsafe speed/reckless driving

  • Disregarding stop sign or stoplight

  • Error/confusion of pedestrian or bicyclist

  • Driver reaction to another uninvolved vehicle

  • Improper turning

  • Slippery pavement

  • Unsafe lane changes


Construction and

Work Related Injuries


We handle construction and work-related injuries including, but not limited to:

  • gravity-related injuries

  • netting failures

  • electrical accidents

  • faulty safety equipment

  • forklift accidents

  • falling debris

  • elevator accidents

  • hand injuries

  • crane accidents

  • scaffolding accidents

  • ladder accidents

  • weather-related accidents. 


There could be plenty of factors involved in a construction accident. If an employer improperly trained an employee or violated certain regulations, they could possibly be held liable for compensation that is required. Whether you are on the scaffold or simply working around it, safety needs to come first.


While construction accidents happen every single day, it is important for those who are subject to a construction related injury to be compensated for both current injuries and future economic losses. It is possible that a third party is responsible for the accident because of negligence on their part; the employer may not be subject to suit or a myriad of other legal problems.


If you were in a construction accident, you should consult and hire an attorney who will get down to the bottom of the issue and do the right thing for their client. 


GPS in car
carpenter walking up to house

Slip and fall accidents are very common and can happen anywhere. Countless New York injury victims suffer serious, and sometimes life-changing injuries that can even result in wrongful death, dismemberment, or permanent physical damage. 


Speak with a New York slip and fall lawyer to define whether you are owed damages for the negligence of a property or business owner. Call the Law Offices of Cory H. Morris: 631-450-2515.


Sometimes a slip and fall is due to the negligence of property owners or unsafe work conditions. In certain cases, violations of the industrial code may cause a slip and fall at a jobsite to which you should be compensated. Injuries from slip and fall accidents can put you out of work for a lengthy amount of time as you heal from your injuries with little to no compensation - Call the Law Offices of Cory H. Morris to speak with an Attorney today.

Injuries resulting from Police 

Police and State Actors have a general duty to the public but are sometimes negligent or may act unreasonably in the line of their public actions. The Law Offices of Cory H. Morris will handle a matter involving a state actor, including but not limited to police brutality or police misconduct cases. 


Widespread in the press are cases of police and state actors that engage in excessive force. No matter what the crime or allegation, a police officer does not have the right to use more force than necessary in subduing a perpetrator. Excessive force and police misconduct cases usually have shorter deadlines for a claimant or litigant to file their case. It is impotent, should you or a loved one find you in a situation where you feel that you have been injured by a state actor or law enforcement agent, that you call an attorney right away - Call The Law Offices of Cory H. Morris: 631-450-2515.


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This web site is designed to provide general information only and to help in the choice of appropriate legal counsel. The information contained herein should not be construed as legal advice. Legal jurisdictions differ on major and minor aspects of the law and each legal situation is unique; requiring that all legal situations be addressed with qualified legal counsel. Statutes and case law frequently change; the accuracy of this information can only be represented as of the date of publication.


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